Special Effects Editing-Independant Study

The first visual effect which I decided to tackle is the Harry Potter style "invisibility cloak", which hides an actor using a green screen over the top of a piece of dark fabric.

The actor will then stand in front of the camera on a tripod and will cover themselves completely with the cloak.
After placing an empty clip on the bottom layer in premiere pro and dragging the one with the actor on top, I can then use the ultrakey settings in order to select the green of the cloak and make it dissapear.
This will then give the appearance that the actor is now invisible.

I then experimented with taking away the sky in a short video clip. I used an old clip from my surrealist short film in order to have a clip with an extremely saturated portion of sky, as otherwise it would not select properly. 
In order to remove the sky you then use the colour picker tool in order to remove the blue of the sky, using the ultrakey function. This then allows for another clip to be played underneath this one, in order to show a different weather.
